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Advocay & Lobbying

  • Sensitization  meetings  on  importance  of  community participation  in  supporting  most  vulnerable  children including children engaged or at risk of engaging in child labor in Arusha Region.

  • Establishing and strengthening Children Rights Clubs for school children to get forums to advocate on matters that affect their rights.

Social Services 

  • Establishing Nursery/ Kindergarten School.

  • Collaborating  with  counselors  ,  teachers  and  other education stakeholders to get sessions for  provision of counseling services to restore hope and confidence to children, especially those affected by child labor and enable them to  continue with formal and non-formal education.

  • Capacity building / training to community leaders and Ward   Education   Committees   on participatory development of Strategic Plans that aim at improving teaching and learning outcomes in their respective wards.

Education on Key Issues ​

  • Provision of education on HIV and AIDS in schools through provision of WHO Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials in schools and using Arts and Theatre Cultural groups in providing education on HIV and AIDS controls.

  • Create awareness for those living with disabilities or conditions, such as Albinism, and to encourage them to participate in all development activities. Allow these individuals to become future decision makers.

  • Sensitization meetings on gender issues.

  • Education on environmental conservation practices to mitigate impact of climate change and overall environmental degradation.

Livelihood Improvement & Entrepreneurship

  • Provision of livelihood and entrepreneurship skills to Income Generating Activity groups (IGA groups) for the to increase their purchasing power and be capable of supporting most vulnerable children in their respective areas and households.

  • Work closely with government and other stakeholders to ensure that IGA groups are provided with agricultural products such as cassava cuttings and improved seeds.

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P.O. Box 14371, Arusha District, Arusha City, Tanzania

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